



Registrations must be submitted by Friday, January 6, 2023 (date of email sent).

Registration includes:

  • Application form (fully completed and signed, the form can be downloaded here)
  • Program form (fully completed, the form can be downloaded here)
  • Birth certificate (scan)
  • Passport or identity card (scan)
  • Recommendation of a teacher (students)
  • Confirmation of musical training (certificate of enrollment or certificate of completion)
  • Artistic CV (tabular)
  • Portrait photo (printable, at least 300 dpi) and name of the photographer
  • Video recording for preselection.

How to send the documents and files

by email: Application form, Program form, birth certificate, passport or identity card (scan), confirmation of musical training, artistic CV, letter of recommendation, portrait photo and photographer’s name
by file sharing services (wetransfer or filemail): video recording for preselection

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Fees and Acceptance

A registration fee of EUR 30.00 has to be transferred (free of bank charges) by Friday, January 6, 2023. This payment is a mandatory requirement for the participation in the preselection process.

The number of participants is limited to 50. Decisive are the nominations by the jury on the basis of the submitted video recording as well as the completeness of the registration documents.

Accepted participants will be informed in writing by Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Applicants are entitled to participate in the competition once they have received the acceptance letter and transferred their participation fee.

The participation fee of EUR 100.00 must be paid (free of bank charges) by Friday, January 27, 2023.

Please email the payment receipts for the registration and participation fees to to prove that the transfers were made on time.

Bank Details for the registration and participation fees
(please transfer each fee separately)

Account holder: Telemann-Gesellschaft e. V.
IBAN: DE68 8105 3272 0031 2518 18
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg
Reference: 12. ITW 2023; Name and Surname of participant

If the registration fee and participation fee has not been received on time, eligibility to participate will expire. The participation fee will not be refunded in case of withdrawal. If participation is prevented due to illness (medical certificate required), a processing fee of EUR 60.00 will be deducted from the participation fee to be reimbursed. Should participants be unable to take part because of force majeure, the competition office must be informed immediately. In this case, an additional administration fee of EUR 60.00 will be charged.

Arrival and departure, accommodation and meals are organized and paid for by the participants themselves.

Participants in the final round will receive a subsistence allowance of EUR 100.00.

The decisions of the jury are not contestable under any circumstances. Legal recourse is excluded. By registering, each participant accepts the conditions of the competition listed above.

After each round as well as after the announcement of the awards, the jury members are available for a discussion with the eliminated participants. Contact with jury members is prohibited until a participant is eliminated. Questions should be submitted to the jury via the competition office.

Hotel Ratswaage Magdeburg | Ratswaageplatz 1-4 | 39104 Magdeburg, Germany
Email: | Phone: +49 (0) 391 - 5926 - 0

You can book hotel rooms in the Hotel Ratswaage at special rates. Please use the password ITW when making the reservation.

The personal data collected will be used exclusively to realize the 12th International Telemann Competition and will not be passed on to third parties without authorization. After the competition has ended, all personal data will be completely deleted. More information on privacy can be found here.

The German version of the announcement is binding.